In many ways, Charlie Sheen has become Kenny Powers...
I think that you have to admire the way the guy has decided not to do the standard "aw shucks, I was so wrong blah blah blah" thing all celebrities do when there's some sort of outrage over their behavior. Charlie is doing the same stuff a lot of famous people do. The difference is he's just being upfront and not apologizing for it anymore.
Let's be realistic here. People want to get famous so they can live a life of excess. Nobody is getting famous hoping to save the manatees. These people want to have boatloads of money, party all the time, and can get laid like crazy. So I find it hard to be surprised or feel some sort of strong disapproval when somebody famous is found doing these things.
That's not to say I approve of the nastier things he's accused of, specifically, hitting women. That's not cool. I also can't imagine that his wilder behavior is too good for his kids.
I just think it's refreshing in a world where publicists shine up bad behavior so people will keep buying tickets or watching shows, for somebody famous to just be so upfront and honest, instead of pretending to be contrite.
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