Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mid-Month Update For December

Wow, it's been a long time since my last post. Hard to believe Christmas is just a few days away, and then the year is almost over.

I've been sick since the weekend, and today's the first day that I've felt kinda okay. I was invited to a birthday party, but didn't feel well enough to go. (On top of that my email reply saying I couldn't make it bounced back to me.)

At least once the holidays are over with, there will be stuff to watch at night. Right now there's nothing on, and nothing worth watching (that I haven't seen) on OnDemand.

I wound up getting my big Christmas present early, the new Xbox 360 Slim Holiday Bundle. I've been replaying some of my older games, like SPLINTER CELL: CONVICTION and RESIDENT EVIL 5. For new games, I finished off ALAN WAKE, which came in the bundle, and played the two DLC chapters for RE5 and the DEAD RISING 2 prologue DLC. I've still got something to look forward to on Christmas day, since I'm getting some games (and some DVDs and Blu-rays, among other things).

I decided to start over, completely fresh, with a new gamer tag. So I'll have to unlock all the achievements all over again, etc.

ALAN WAKE was really good. I may have to get more MS points so I can get the DLC, even though it seems pricier than the DLC for RE5 and DR2. I hope there will be a second game.

After playing the DEAD RISING 2 prologue, I'm looking forward to the main game. Of course, I liked the first game, so I was already looking forward to the sequel. I just didn't get it before now because I wanted the Xbox version for the DLC and didn't have a working Xbox when it came out.

I can't decide if I want to download the DEAD SPACE 2 demo. The full game comes out next month, and I might want to play it completely unspoiled. (Even if I don't get it right away.)

I'm probably jinxing myself by saying this, but things have been going okay. Of course, now that I've said that I'll probably go on a huge downswing. After all, I've still got over a week left to ruin the month!

I haven't put in as much volume this month. In fact, I'll be surprised if I even crack 10k hands. I've also really been slacking on studying. I think I've watched two, maybe three coaching videos since my last post. I blame that on the Xbox.

At least it looks like that bill that would blackout online poker in the US didn't pass. I'm in favor of it being more legal (it really isn't illegal to play in the US, even though the vaguely worded law makes people think it is), and easier for US players to deposit. But I think that that last bill wasn't a good thing. At least, for the time being, I don't have to seek out another site to play on.

Anyway, I kind of doubt that I'll post again before Christmas, so I hope everybody has a good one.


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