Friday, December 31, 2010

Closing Out 2010

Instead of doing a best/worst, like I originally thought I would, I'm just going to concentrate on the good stuff from 2010. Overall, it was a pretty decent year.

No major disasters (not even a single hospital trip) this year in my family. All of my friends healthy and doing fine as well.

The arrival of Lucy, the puppy, was a huge change for 2010. I spent more time outdoors this year than I probably have in at least a decade. (I mean going for car to building and vice versa was generally all the time I ever spent outdoors.) In fact, being outside so much during the summer actually increased my tolerance for the heat. I normally prefer colder weather, but this year I'm not so psyched now that it's cold out.

Upgrading to Windows 7 was a good move. I was worried about it and put if off, and now I'm happy that I did.

Even the bad had some good in it. Like my old Xbox 360 dying (and briefly regaining life by my fixing it myself), was disappointing. Then I got a better, improved Elite Slim 360.

Even though my poker results for the latter portion of the year weren't good, I still can say that I learned even more about the game. Even though I lost a lot of money, I didn't go busto. I also cleared bonuses, which is good.

Good Games Released In 2010
Alan Wake
Bioshock 2
Call Of Duty: Black Ops
Dead Rising 2
Fallout: New Vegas
Splinter Cell Conviction

Easy A
Hot Tub Time Machine
Piranha (dumb fun)
The Expendables
The Town

TV (New Shows)
Community (really late 2009, but I didn't start watching until 2010)
Doctor Who (old show... but new Doctor, new showrunner, huge improvements!)
Walking Dead

I'm probably leaving out some movies and TV shows (I didn't list any older shows that were good this year, like SONS OF ANARCHY.)


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